# Cleaning Bid Pre-Planning
Once you have the appointment to do the cleaning bid you will have to make a plan of success. This will include your attire, the tools you will bring and the questions you will ask.
# What To Wear
First impressions are everything. You will be meeting with business owners and managers that will make or help make the decision to hire you. You may have the right price but they may feel based on appearance that you lack the leadership skills to maintain a clean environment. If you are not dress like you are working why would they expect your employees or yourself to take cleaning their business seriously.
You will need to have on business attire or a collard shirt with your logo. The collard shirt with the logo and dress or kaki pants will be considered business casual which is still ok to wear.
Make sure you look clean. You are a business owner of cleaning company you should look the part. Your hair and any facial hair should be groomed. Meeting a potential client should be treated as a job interview because that is what this is. The client is interviewing your to find out if you and your cleaning business have the credentials for the job.
# What To Bring
There are several items you will need to bring to have a successful meeting.
- Business ards to give the client.
- Writing pad or device for notes
- List of questions to ask.
- Measuring wheel or electronic measuring tool to get the square feet of each room. You can also measure the room by counting the ceiling or floor tiles.
# What To Ask
To be successful giving a price or service the clients location you will need information to support your efforts. This means asking relevant questions.
Sample questions:
- Tell me about your current cleaning program?
- How many days a week are you looking for service?
- What issues or concerns do you have with your current cleaning program or service?
- How often are your carpets cleaned?
- How often is the office vacuumed?
- Do you currently have a floor care program?
Your goal at the sales appointment will be to:
- Show how professional you are.
- Estimate how long each room will take to clean.
- Measure each room and note the type of floor surface. This will be needed for up selling floor care.
- Listen carefully for import information to better service the client.
- Ask questions that are necessary for you to properly service the client.